Bible Study Groups

Through Bible Study Groups, we focus on growing together in our faith in Jesus Christ.

Below are available groups.
Please sign-up or reach out to learn more. 
Books of Genesis & Exodus
BEGINS 1/17 7:45PM-9:15PM
Led by Elder DC (
Genesis tells the story of Creation, the Fall of Man, and God's desire to make a covenant with His people despite their rebellion. Exodus tells the story of Israel's journey & escape from Egyptian slavery, and God's desire to fulfill His covenant with His people despite their continued rebellion. This study is a continuation from the fall semester, but you are welcome to jump right in. They will complete the book of Genesis & begin the book of Exodus.

Experiencing God Book Study
BEGINS 1/17 7:45PM-9:15PM
Led by Pastor Frank (
& Elder Jeff (
Real Christianity is not merely a religion, but a relationship with God. As we seek to follow Jesus moment by moment, the Father will keep us at the center of His will. As we study Experiencing God, we are asking the Holy Spirit to guide us through the Scriptures where the Bible is our source of authority & truth in order to have life transformational encounters with the Triune God. If you would like to participate in this study, you will need to purchase a copy of the STUDY GUIDE.